Overall project goal

To facilitate information access and understanding of information in everyday environments.

Innovative technologies and services will be developed and tested.

How to achieve it

We combine data from sensors and open data into useful information, and provide tools to present the information using augmented reality.

The first two years the project will focus on building a platform, and the last year, we want companies and organisations to build services and products based on the platform.

The longterm goal

As a result of the project the region will have good opportunities to create smartness in products and services that are created. A vision is that everything produced in the region has some sort of ”smartness” (such as Internet of Things). Possibilities to both produce as well as consume information is made possible in both urban and rural areas. The goal is to make the region a leading Smart Region.
  • Sensor data

    We provide a tool to connect and authenticate sensors, if you need your own sensors to develope your services.

  • Open data

    Also use open data from public authorities to create the information that your service needs.

  • Geotagging

    We also provide tools that support geotagging of your sensor data and open data.

  • Augmented reality

    Use your sensor data, open data and geographical information to create useful information and present it as augmented reality. Contact us if you are interested in creating applications on our platform!

The overall goal

We intend to do this by combining real and virtual information in a manner that increases the value of experiences, services and products. The project’s vision is that all residents make use of the future of interactive devices such as Google glasses (or future similar devices) that enable new ways to visualize information for a broad set of services based on open data from sensors and public databases, etc. Information may be presented as overlaid text and graphs on a real background (augmented reality). At any place it would be possible to ask for information that is tied to the place you are at. It may involve information about a building, historical events, transportation information or technical information, about for instance a boiler or a fan system.

Vision and understanding

The video clip about Microsoft Hololens shows a vision that is still not a reality, but it creates an understanding of the area in which we intend to establish knowledge and skills at an early stage, to within a 5 to 10 year period have many companies that develop services and products, and that we apply the technology for our social welfare.

As a result of the project the region will have good opportunities to create smartness in products and services that are created. A vision is that everything produced in the region has some sort of ”smartness” (such as Internet of Things). Possibilities to both produce as well as consume information is made possible in both urban and rural areas. The goal is to make the region a leading Smart Region.

The first two years the project will focus on building a platform, and the last year, we want companies and organisations to build services and products based on the platform.